The 53 best cities in the world in 2022

We quizzed 20,000 city-dwellers to rank the best cities in the world right now. Ready? Every year, we quiz thousands of city-dwellers worldwide about life in their hometown right now. We want to know about the restaurant scene and the bar circuit. The theatre and the art galleries. The nightlife and the dating apps. What [...]

5 Most Unique Experiences in Medellin City

Medellín is Colombia’s second-largest city, but its rapid transformation from the Crime Capital of the World to the City of Flowers is its main claim to fame. Today Medellín is modern, cultural, innovative, and the perfect base for exploring the scenic countryside around the Aburrá Valley. Combined with near-perfect weather, these are all great reasons [...]

36 Hours in Medellín, Colombia

Colombia’s second city is fast shedding its controversial reputation. With infrastructure projects that are bringing architecturally exciting libraries and parks to impoverished neighborhoods, and creative methods of transportation, Medellín is

Sponsored interviews and articles – Medellin City Tours

Here are various interviews that have been conducted us to national and international media:
1. Pablo-Escobar-Tour in Medellín:
Link a la entrevista: Ver Más sobre este Tour
2. From Narco

Entrevistas y artículos patrocinados – Medellin City Tours

A continuación presentamos diferentes entrevistas que nos han realizado para medios Nacionales e Internacionales:
1. Pablo-Escobar-Tour in Medellín:

Link a la entrevista:
Ver Más sobre este Tour
2. From

Testimonial from Mike and Amanda Ryan about Medellin City Tours and Medellin City Services

Testimonio de Mike y Amanda Ryan sobre Medellín City Tours y sus servicios en la ciudad de Medellín

The Cult of Pablo Escobar

Two decades after the death of notorious drug baron Pablo Escobar in 1993, he still looms large in the Colombian psyche. In some quarters, there is an ambivalence towards

Entrevista de Radio de la BBC: Pablo Escobar

Dos décadas después de la muerte del capo de la droga Pablo Escobar en 1993, todavía ocupa un lugar preponderante en la mente de Colombia. En algunos sectores, hay una ambivalencia